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CJLC Study Trip (Spring and Summer Terms)[8月 20,2018 ]

We made a study tour to Hasedera Temple, MIKIOTO Pearl Island, and Ise-Jingu Shrine from June 21 (Thu.) to 22 (Fri.), 2018. The participants included 155 international students at CJLC (U Program: 51, J Program: 44, M program: 60), 9 at Aichi Prefectural University, 9 at Setsunan University, 3 at Sonoda Women’s University, 5 at Kobe Gakuin University, 7 at St. Agnes’ University, and 3 at Konan Women’s University. On 21, we visited Hasedera Temple (長谷寺) and enjoyed the view, and on 22, visited Ise-Jingu Shrine (伊勢神宮). The tour was a good opportunity for students to develop friendly relations among themselves.

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